Category: Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.)

Some things that emotional intelligence is: The ability to monitor and understand one’s own emotions and to act wisely in human relations.  It is emotional stability and steadfastness. A defining factor in a person’s ability to work well in teams, deal with problems and ambiguities, stick to tasks, be self-motivated and remain optimistic about work […]

Personalities in a Team Environment

The relative success of a building construction project is often determined by the ability of the design team, owner, and contractors to effectively communicate ideas and resolve conflicts. This is true for practically any other type of endeavor that we humans venture into as teams.  Architects, engineers, and construction professionals form a special part of […]

Nobility of Spirit by Rob Riemen

I enjoyed the spotlight that this book puts on hopefulness, and the rallying cry to hold tight to it, even in the face of a society with increasing cynicism and its accompanying peril to the health of the individual human soul.  Many people may believe that people are not inherently good—but a society and democracy […]

Organizational Silence

Comments on an interesting article, “Sounds of Silence”, in Stern Business by Morrison and Milliken. The article is about the ubiquitous situation in which employees know about certain issues and problems that their organization faces but do not dare to speak the truth to their superiors. The article likens this to a CEO who has […]

Men's Wearhouse

Men’s Wearhouse Case Study

This article discusses a Case Study from the Stanford Graduate School of Business that is subtitled: Success in A Declining Industry. The founder, George Zimmer, opened his first store back in 1973, at a time when competitors were closing their doors. From opening to the time of the article (1997) the Men’s’ Wearhouse enjoyed 30% […]

Harvard Business Review

HBS Case Studies: 1) Diamonds in the Data Mine and 2) Gary Loveman and Harrah’s

These two “Best Practice” Case Studies are good examples of “Evidence-Based Management”, as opposed to intuition-based management. Harrah’s was a company that seemed to be focused on the right things and some of the lessons that can be gleaned from these case studies are in the paragraphs that follow. Gary Loveman was a Harvard professor […]

Strategies of Effective New Product Team Leaders

Article from the California Management Review; Winter 2000; 42, 2 Important characteristics of effective team leaders: Communication: both intra-personal and inter-personal as well as intra-organization and extra-organizational. A clear communication of expectations to team members, and a facilitation of communication between group members as well as outside the team. An information-rich environment is essential. Responsibility: […]